There is no better way to meet new people in Graz than at our online Regulars’ Table, a great opportunity to chat to Internationals and Locals at the same time. For now our Office Hours are combined with the online Regulars Table every Wednesday in February. So let’s have a good time together, get to know each other and enjoy some games and chat! Grab some snacks and a drink of your choice and meet us on online via Webex! If you have any questions regarding your stay in Graz or ESN feel free to ask them at the Regulars' Table too.


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Start: 7:30pm
Where: via Webex here

How: Click on the link, type in your name and email address, and have a webcam and headset ready. Downloading the app is not necessary, you can simply join via your internet browser! (But the app might give you more options, like audio configuration.) No registration needed, just drop by!


09/02/2022 - 19:30