During the ExchangeAbility-Week ESN sections all over Europe focus on 
raising awareness about the struggles of people with disabilities, who 
are often socially excluded because the society is not built for their 
needs. We aim for a more inclusive society, enabling people with 
disabilities to go on exchange semesters and join ESN. This workshop has 
the purpose to make you think about small actions each and every one of 
us can take in order to create a more inclusive society.


WHEN: Thursday, 23rd of March 2017, 6:30pm
WHERE: Universitätsstraße 15, Resowi-Center, SZ15.22 (2nd floor,  building part G)
COSTS: 5€ deposit (which you will get back at the event)
SIGN UP: During our office hours, from 14th to 22nd of March 2017

23/03/2017 - 18:30
5€ deposit